Search for a True Master

If there is a sincere desire to find your Master, you will be guided to the right place. Many different spiritual traditions that say that the pull to find a teacher is orchestrated by the teacher himself. There is a phrase in Hinduism, “Love emanates from the heart of the Master.” In other words, the Masters are actually drawing us in as our desire for them becomes greater and greater. We really have to want this, not just saying it with our lips, but truly having the cry of our souls be sincere and real, and wanting this from deepest part of our hearts.

Who is Master?

Anybody can give a good talk, write a book, say the right things or attract a large amount followers with the right publicity or media exposure. According to Dr. Vidich, this is no guide whatsoever to indicate that this person would be a real spiritual MASTER. There are a lot of people out there preaching compassion, loving kindness and forgiveness, but the master is someone who actually truly embodies these traits in his or her daily life, character and personality.

Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - IV

Nature gave us rich Flora (Natural Plants, Animals- Wild Life) and fountain (springs). Each one mutually inter-related. Thus, “THE NATURE” is for benefits of us human beings for several reasons. To Learn to be Nature conscious and beyond as Our Guides and Preachers.

Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - III

The terms used to designate Masters and other highly developed men are many. A master, as the term is used in this book, is equivalent to Saint (Sant, in Sanskrit). It is also the same in meaning as Sat Guru, although there is an additional meaning to Sat Guru.