Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

The purport of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is that every living being on planet earth belongs to a single family and therefore all of us are the members of the same universal family. This is the spiritual and positive perception. But in materialistic life, we find many separate families each one having its own family members. All are interested in the welfare of their own families because everyone considers different from each other from the materialistic perspective.

In spirituality, all those (except the kingdom of the plants) reproduced from females are considered belonging to a single family. In spiritual angle, every member of the family is perceived as one (Athman or Soul). The remaining things (Anaathmas) in the cosmos are many.

By perceiving the one family concept, the people lose resentment and prejudice towards the fellow members depicting positive mentality. We need to know that all beings are temporarily visitors to this planet. It is something like the people mingling with other as co-travelers in a train journey. Though all of them had any connections in the past nor they may have any connections in the future they travel together in harmony. Probably, it is true that the journey is very short and the travelers do not have enough time for prejudice, quarrel etc

When we think on the same lines, our lives on this planet is too short compared to the time span of the existence. Yet why should there be differences in us, especially among the human beings? Is it that we have not accepted others as co- travelers or visitors? Do we think that we have permanent connections for ever together?

Addressing the kind of disparity observed in the above, Shivaguru expounds that Spiritual positivity attained from Shivality training at SSBSSF transforms the minds of the seekers from lower to higher perceptions to experience the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the single-family concept that is beyond time. The human lifespan of about 100 years is considered miniscule and of little value. When this perception is developed in us, we will begin to experience that the life is too short in this materialistic world and we do not shy away from loving others. Everyone can definitely maintain love if the association is for a shorter period. Though we cannot take care of all the members belonging to the single family, we should refrain from causing disturbance in family.

We have come here to live in peace with love for others and we should let others too to live in peace till the end of our journey in this planet.

The motto of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is ‘Live and let live’, ‘Kudh jivo, auron ko bhi jeene do’. Allow every member of this family to live together by sharing their love and lead a harmonious life.