The Purport of 'Sarvam ShivaMayam’

Spirituality is the means of getting the human mind connected to the spirit within. The basic quality of the spirit is peace in eternity and we call it Shivam because Shivam is the embodiment of the ultimate peace. To attain the ultimate peace in mind, people have to practice Silentation, the technique of silencing the mind in Divine. All human beings possess spirit (Shivam) within but they are unable to experience the same because of the impurities in their mind.

Body Language in Everyday Life

From the moment we see a person, we begin to form opinion about them. Your body language plays a huge role in giving people the initial impression about you. The expression on your face, the posture you have, the eye contact, the hand gestures you sue etc give a lot of impression about you to others. Interpreting body language is in built in us and we all do it subconsciously all throughout our life.

Avoid Temptation

During the period of our spiritual training we must try as much as possible to avoid all temptation, both in its gross and subtle forms. We should salute anything that may become an object of temptation to us, from a safe distance. Let us not go near it. We must not rely too much on our own strength for a long time to come. We have such a dirty mind full of filthy impressions that once it is really stirred up it may create no end of troubles. Lust and hatred, Greed, vulgarity all these are lying hidden in us and waiting to make us their prey and so we must be on our guard.

Who and What are the Masters

The terms used to designate Masters and other highly developed men are many. A master, as the term is used in this book, is equivalent to Saint (Sant, in Sanskrit). It is also the same in meaning as Sat Guru, although there is an additional meaning to Sat Guru.