Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - IV

Nature gave us rich Flora (Natural Plants, Animals- Wild Life) and fountain (springs). Each one mutually inter-related. Thus, “THE NATURE” is for benefits of us human beings for several reasons. To Learn to be Nature conscious and beyond as Our Guides and Preachers.

19. PIGEONS: Look before you leap - and practice the habit to say Detached from Earthly Pleasure(emotional attachment will bring misery as the mother and father pigeons, follow to rescue young ones caught in the net laid by the hunter, get themselves entangled into the web). Liberate from the Sense of Attachment to Kith and Kin.

20. DANCING GIRL: Depended on her attraction to earn from paramours for livelihood as long as she is charismatic and that beauty is not long lasting. Latter on get dejected regretting her past started Contemplating on God for rest of her life. Realization of the Benefit of Dejection Lies in Repentance is Apparent here.

21. SNAKE: To avoid peril snakes do not stay permanently in one place. It builds anthill for living. Moves on to build the next one, does not stay in one place. To note - nothing is ever lasting and everything transitory in one's Life. Snakes keep on moving enjoying the company of their own, not to be deceived. Seeking places devoid of sound not to get attracted to the music of flute of the snake charmer- Another aspect of snakes for we persons to appreciate.

22. TURTLE: Lays eggs, and once eggs are hatched turtle walks away leaving them to mend their own ways. No Attachment (Dispossessed affection). This one is another Attribute to Adapt and Appreciate).

23. CHILD: Ask you get it. The child only when hungry cries, mother realized to feed. The child gets its share of food. The next moment the child is quiet, calm and at ease. It does not mind mother's act as any specialty or no obligation. It was duty performed. So be like a child known for Innocence as future however taken care of - Spend worry-free of future. The Child Thus Inculcates Patience and Discipline toward Parents as they have to reach the Needs of Child with Unconditional Affection Without any Self-Interest.

24. LARVA: Transformation takes place as in the case of larva turning to as caterpillar and caterpillar as to a beautiful Butterfly in the process of Metamorphosis-Dreaming Big to realize at once. You can become what you think. Anything first one has to dream, plan then put it into action - cause and effect - followed by the result that is realization of initial dream.