
According to the ancient Indian wisdom there exists a Spiritual World apart from the Physical World (Materialistic World). People are able to readily see, experience and understand the physical world because it is visible. But the spiritual world is not comprehensible as it is invisible. However, when mind is pure, free from worldly attachments, the spiritual world can also be experienced in spite of being invisible. That is how the saints are able to experience the spiritual world. But when mind is impure, which is commonly so, due to its preoccupation with materialistic world, people can never experience the spiritual world. Nevertheless, Shivality training from Shivaguru can help people to experience the spiritual world. The training deploys the power of Shivam acquired by Shivaguru through arduous penance to purify the human mind by destroying the worldly attachments in the seekers.

All humans are potentially emotional due to mind they possess. It is emotions that confirms the existence of mind in humans. Emotions are caused because of the mental attachments to the objects and the happenings in the materialistic world. Just as people experience emotions without hearing and seeing, the spiritual world can also be experienced though it cannot be seen.

The human emotions are of two kinds, positive emotions and negative emotions depending upon whether the incidents are favorable or unfavorable respectively. Generally, positive emotions do not create any impressions in the mind while negative emotions invariably form impressions in it. It is the negative impressions in the people that cause worries, anxiety, apprehensions etc.

We find that human mind is not attached to any of the countless celestial objects like stars, planets, asteroids etc., present in the aakasha though it is the derivative of the aakashik element. At the same time, it gets easily attached to the objects and happenings in the materialistic world although it does not belong to the physical world. In fact, sufferings and enjoyments are because of the attachments of the human mind to the materialistic world. While enjoyment is not problematic, sufferings cause enormous pain to human beings. We need to address why should human beings suffer though mind belongs to spiritual world?

Shivaguru expounds that human beings suffer because of the impressions created in the mind as a result of its attachment to the events and the objects of the materialistic world. When the impressions are destroyed, the human mind regains its purity and attains its original condition, the state of the spirit belonging to the spiritual world. He further explains that ‘I’ in a human being is nothing but an impression in the mind. Accordingly, when it becomes the spirit (pure mind) without any materialistic attachments, ‘I’ should experience absolute purity resonating with the nature of the spiritual world in accordance with the cosmic law. However, the residual unfulfilled desires would continue to haunt the mind. He also states that causing impressions in the mind is against the cosmic law and therefore, the human mind should be trained to enjoy this world without causing any impressions.

The human sufferings are because of the mental attachments to the materialistic world and not due to the objects and the incidents happenings per se. When the mental attachments are removed from the mind, people no longer experience suffering. Shivality training is to remove the impressions from the mind and transform the human mind into the spirit. The human beings cannot destroy their mental impressions by self-efforts alone. Destroying the impressions is possible only by deploying the power of Shivam. This power can be received only from Shivagurus in this world who are the representatives of Shivam. Accordingly, people who want to become the spirits have to get help from a Shivaguru.

When people get transformed into spirits, the truth that they belong to the spiritual world dawns in them. This awareness keeps them away from the materialistic transactions in the family and in the society. Such people prefer being lonely staying in mountains, forests and remote places. They begin to look at this world as ‘False (Mithya)’ and remain in the realm of ‘Brahma - sathyam; Jagath – mithyam’. Because of this, we rarely come across with the realized persons in the society. Those who are yet to attain the condition of Brahman will continue in the society along with the others.

In summary, we can conclude that people who remain attached to the materialistic society seldom experience peace because of the impurities in their mind. It is extremely difficult for them to break their bonds and pursue the path of spirituality. Further, the realized ones will not have any kind of worries since they have no attachment to this world. They maintain their spiritual positivity wherever they go. They are not affected being in the midst of the society or being in solitude.

Shivality is an advanced spiritual training given to the people to get connected to Shivam who want to live peacefully in the materialistic world. Shivam destroys the negativity in the seeker’s mind and establishes peace forever. Those who are having Shivam in the mind can realize their original condition of Brahman being in this materialistic world itself.

Shivality training not only helps the seekers to realize Brahmam but also enables them to live in the materialistic world unattached to their possessions.

Shivality is the system that allows the seekers to connect to Shivam through a Shivaguru and restore their mind to the condition of the spirit by destroying their mental impressions.

The spiritual condition attained be the seekers through Shivality training is retained in them forever. Ultimately, they lose duality and reach the condition of Brahmam and perceiv the truth ‘Sarvam Shivamayam’. At this stage, both the spiritual world and the materialistic world are perceived as one and the same by the seekers. Even the perception of the existence and the non-existence also vanishes from the mind. That is how the realized persons can stay in this world both as an observer and an enjoyer.

Cosmic law: Cosmic law implies that everything has come from the cosmos but nothing exists in it. This implies that the pure human mind that belongs to the spiritual world should be the embodiment of ‘Nothing’