The Purport of 'Sarvam ShivaMayam’

Spirituality is the means of getting the human mind connected to the spirit within. The basic quality of the spirit is peace in eternity and we call it Shivam because Shivam is the embodiment of the ultimate peace. To attain the ultimate peace in mind, people have to practice Silentation, the technique of silencing the mind in Divine. All human beings possess spirit (Shivam) within but they are unable to experience the same because of the impurities in their mind. If people are able to transcend the mind and be in silence, they get connected to Shivam present in them. In essence, Shivam is worshipped through mental silence and this method of worshipping is called 'Antharanga Shivopasana'. As the spirit is nothing but Shivam, Spirituality is named 'Shivality'.

While practicing Shivality through Silentation, the practitioners are able to acquire mental peace losing awareness about this materialistic world. Since this peace acquired is of a temporary phenomenon, people seeking Shivality have to practice Silentation for longer periods to the maximum extent possible. When the seekers dwell longer in Silentation, the power of Shivam begins to destroy their 'Bhavaroga' (worldly attachments) and their minds become lighter and lighter (enlightened).Such an enlightenment destroys the negativities and creates purity in the minds of the seekers and this purity fetches wisdom to them. The wisdom, in turn, causes positive perceptions in the seekers. As the perceptional changes taking place intensify, the seekers get enlightened deeper and deeper becoming spiritually positive.

The condition of acquiring spiritual positivity is a turning point in the path of spirituality as it brings perfection to the seekers in all walks of life and they seldom commit any mistakes. At this stage in life, losing almost all mental negativities, the seekers begin to realize 'Shivoham', the absolute truth about who they are! This truth realization brings the wisdom that they are not a part of the materialistic world. It is in this condition of the mind; they begin to experience the sense of liberation from this world. As the liberated beings, the seekers feel that they have nothing to do with this materialistic world and begin to enjoy solitude all the while. Ultimately the seekers begin to experience Sarvam Shiva Mayam, Shivam and nothing but Shivam everywhere in the vastness of the space in perpetuity.

Spirituality being a personal asset of each individual, we sincerely appeal to everyone to embrace spirituality and experience the condition of Sarvam Shiva Mayam!