Shivam the Inevitable

Who does not want to live in ‘Peace and happiness’ in this world?

Invariably most of us think that the worldly acquisitions like wealth, power, name and fame give us happiness and peace. This common belief is a myth for sure. We need to understand that peace and happiness are merely mental perceptions. The happenings, incidents and actions in this world are not the cause for our worries. The materialistic acquisitions and favorable incidents might give momentary mental gratification but these do not have the power to create lasting peace and happiness.

If achieving permanent peace and happiness is the goal in life, it can definitely be accomplished without having to depend on this materialistic world. The best way to go about it is through the inward journey. Many meditation techniques are followed by the people to quieten the mind with limited benefits. For lasting peace and happiness, the best-known choice available is the Shivality system. This system is offered at the SSB Socio Spiritual Foundation (SSBSSF) in Bengaluru, the silicon city of India, for all above the age of 7 years. The Shivality system is based on invoking the power of Shivam researched and attained by Shivaguru SatSri Subrahmanya Shiva Balan. Over a decade, people from all walks of life are trained to embrace peace and happiness eternally because of the Shivality system training.

The real cause for worries.

The worldly attachments, bondages, responsibilities, commitments and duties create a host of negativities like desire, fear, anxiety and worries in the human beings. This is inherent in every human being whether a person is good or bad. The human negativities are due to the impressions carried by the people based on their past actions and feelings. The human mind is capable of carrying impressions, good or bad, from one life to the other unless eliminated totally while living in this world. It is the residual impressions in the individuals that cause negativities. The negativities, in turn, induce undesirable attitudes like jealousy, sadism, vengeance prejudice, etc., in the people. Even good people possess negative qualities inherently but it is subdued due the strength of goodness in them. The inherent negative impressions in the mind do not allow people to live in peace in this world. The individuals carry mental disturbance with them even after death in the astral world. Being unaware of the reality, we often tend to blame the happenings in the materialistic world for all our miseries and mental disturbances.

Human beings have both positivity and negativity in their mind. Peace and happiness are experienced because of the positivity in the mind and it is called ‘Soul’. Experiencing the negative feelings like a failure, disappointment, anxiety sufferings etc., are due to mental the negativities. When the negative side of the mind is destroyed, the human beings can live in peace and happiness in this world forever.

In summary, the materialistic world is not our enemy. It is our mental negativity that causes misery and the negativity arises because of our attachments to the happenings in the materialistic world.

What is Shivality system?

Shivam is known to be the source of everything in existence like the stars, planets, galaxies, plants, animals etc., including the human beings. It has both creative power as well as destructive power. In Shivality system, people are trained to get connected to Shivam at will and remain connected all the time in life to experience bliss eternally. Elimination of mental negativities happens because of the destructive power of Shivam. Shivality system of training is introduced by Shivaguru, the Divine Spiritual Master of rare caliber.

How to invoke the power of Shivam?

Shivaguru gives special training to the seekers and enables them to get connected to Shivam and invoke the power of Shivam. The seekers receive the Divine power from Shivaguru. This technique is researched and perfected by Shivaguru through intense sadhana for several years. There is an endless transmission of the Divine power from him all the time. He asserts that the Divine power can be attained by everyone in this world. It is observed that those having faith in Shivaguru and the system are able to attain Shivam with ease. While the human negativities are destroyed because of the destructive power, the creative power of Shivam causes expansion of the positivity in the mind. By keeping Shivaguru in the heart all the time, people can strengthen their spiritual positivity and sustain higher purity levels in their minds. Eventually, they would also begin to transmit the power of Shivam as in the case Shivaguru.

People engrossed in ‘Samsara Sagara (the ocean of endless struggle in family life)’ can enter into ‘Divine Sagara (the ocean of eternal peace in abundance)’ of Shivaguru. Many practitioners are enjoying peace and happiness because of the benevolence of the Shivaguru. The trainees can aspire to become Shivayogis by undergoing Shivality training and serve humanity in absolute peace and dedication. Among all the social services, Santhi Daana (Peace Giving) is considered as the most sacred one and everyone can now do this because of the special training from Shivaguru.

SSB Socio Spiritual Foundation (SSBSSF) is a nonreligious entity open to all, rich or poor. There is no gender bias, religion, caste and nationality to receive the training. It is an exclusive institution established to make the power of Shivam available to all. Grab the opportunity and experience ‘Peace and happiness’ in this world.