Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - III

Nature gave us rich Flora (Natural Plants, Animals- Wild Life) and fountain (springs). Each one mutually inter-related. Thus, “THE NATURE” is for benefits of us human beings for several reasons. To Learn to be Nature conscious and beyond as Our Guides and Preachers.

13. HONEY GATHERER: Collecting honeys that of bees' efforts. Dispenses honey for sharing food from a householder to a homemaker who have put in pains collecting needed ration and other needful things in cooking while processing food. That is “Living A Contented Life” being gratified for providence of honey a nature's gift.

14. MOTH: Control over one of the senses –that is “Sight” – not to befall for attraction. Moth attracted to light and burnt. This conveys one never be instantly attracted to beauty that will disturb mind and hinder progress in one's life.

15. FISH: Control over one another sense-i.e. “Taste”- Like fish that got caught up enticed by the fisherman's bait. The lesson is not to yield to temptation of tasty food. That fickleness will end in misery.

16. DEER: have Control over sense “Hearing” – not become prey and victim to vices. Deer (stag) has the speed of wind to escape for its survival in the forest yet hypnotized by the tune of the music and ends up sacrificing its life. This conveys do not get trapped and not to lose the balance of mind.

17. ELEPHANT: Well known for its strength and incredible memory power. Nevertheless, it has its own weakness like any species. “Touch sense” is prominent in this case. The male elephants are fascinated toward female elephants and desire for its touch. Control Over Sense of Touch Is Imperative. The male elephants, ignoring pitfalls ahead, will be trapped by hunters that is into a huge pit dug over which an artificial female elephant is placed on the grass sheath covering on the pit. The moral is do not get disturbed by the attraction of opposite sex that comes in the way of spiritual progress or any set goal.

18. ARROW MAKER: As a Marker as a pointer acknowledged pointed concentration so his entire mind directed at a singular point without giving any importance to disturbing surroundings. Perfection with Exemplary aiming at the target is mandatory. To be successful in life & other things are secondary, Prime Objective is but Achievement, and To Reach the Goal in Life is to Hit the Mark.