Becoming a Spiritual Saint

Saints are always positive in life and it is the intrinsic positivity that keeps them away from doing anything negative in the society. Thereby others in the society are never disturbed by saints.

We find both good and bad people in this world. While transforming bad people is desirable for the wellbeing of the humanity, it is rather a very difficult task to accomplish unless they get ingested with positive energy by some means or the other.

Brahmacharyam in Shivality

A brahmachari literally means being a bachelor without any family bondages. Brahmacharyam begins at the age of seven when the person is required to enter into the gurudom as a spiritual student.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

In spirituality, the Soul (Athman) that exists within every human being becomes Brahman (Self) and the transformation process is called the spiritual journey.

In spirituality, all those (except the kingdom of the plants) reproduced from females are considered belonging to a single family. In spiritual angle, every member of the family is perceived as one (Athman or Soul).

Shivam the Inevitable

Who does not want to live in ‘Peace and happiness’ in this world?

Invariably most of us think that the worldly acquisitions like wealth, power, name and fame give us happiness and peace. This common belief is a myth for sure. We need to understand that peace and happiness are merely mental perceptions.