Avoid Temptation

During the period of our spiritual training we must try as much as possible to avoid all temptation, both in its gross and subtle forms. We should salute anything that may become an object of temptation to us, from a safe distance. Let us not go near it. We must not rely too much on our own strength for a long time to come. We have such a dirty mind full of filthy impressions that once it is really stirred up it may create no end of troubles. Lust and hatred, Greed, vulgarity all these are lying hidden in us and waiting to make us their prey and so we must be on our guard.

Always the trouble arises through our being too little aware of the danger in the form of a tiny and apparently insignificant ripple in the mind. The outer stimulus, even if it be very subtle and scarcely perceptible one, gradually affects the mind. Sometimes even the memory of some old impure impression is enough to upset us, because the germ or the seed is always inside, never outside. Unless the seed be inside it can never sprout.

Attachment in any form may be enough to muddle the brain and bring about the spiritual ruin in the mind of the aspirant but when attachment and anger combine the whole mind becomes chaotic and all progress is stopped. All struggles for the Higher Life comes to an end when passion has its sway over a person. That is why we should carefully avoid any harmful stimulus even if it be very subtle one, and keep our mind engaged with the higher thoughts. We should not give an opportunity to the lower propensities and impulses and avoid as much as possible the company of persons of the other sex as well as that of those of our own sex who do not lead a strictly moral life, at least during the period of our spiritual training.