Becoming Spiritual Spirit

Saints are always positive in life and it is the intrinsic positivity that keeps them away from doing anything negative in the society. Thereby others in the society are never disturbed by saints.

We find both good and bad people in this world. While transforming bad people is desirable for the wellbeing of the humanity, it is rather a very difficult task to accomplish unless they get ingested with positive energy by some means or the other. Positive energy of Shivam when ingested creates peace within and they will abstain from doing bad things. But who can ingest positive energy in bad people? The saints who have been able to activate the power of Shivam in them and dwell with spiritual positivity alone can transmit positive energy to others. However, only people who intend to get transformed can receive the energy transmission from saints belonging to the class of Shivaguru and experience peace eternally. It helps the humanity if bad persons are transformed into good humans by enabling them to experience peace rather than aiding them to acquire materialistic prosperity in the society.

Spiritually positive saints should be like that of nature and transmit peace around irrespective of the people’s character, either good or bad. Further, when they transmit peace, they should be in the state of Samadhi with both the mind and brain being in the same state. It is like the Sun shine, the flowing water, the blowing of the wind etc., that happens without any kind of discrimination. Spiritually positive persons have to be indiscriminative in their actions. This is the primary difference between a spiritual saint and an ordinary saint. While the ordinary saints choose to help the society by carrying social services, the spiritual saints would dedicate themselves to extend spiritual services to divinize the people fulfilling the very purpose of taking the human birth in this world.

While social service implies benefiting people who need food, medical treatment, education etc., to live in this world, extending spiritual services has only a single pointed objective of establishing peace in the people that is intangible.

In spite of accomplishing everything in life, often people do not find peace in them. This means, peace stands above everything else in this world of materialism. Fundamentally, human beings work for being in peace and due to ignorance, they attempt to get peace by amassing wealth, name, fame position and power. If they are able to live in peace without all such materialistic acquisitions, they need not struggle in life. If not, it confirms that people are in the constant search of peace.

The role of a spiritual saint in the society begins when peace does not exist in it in spite of serving socially. The spiritual saint transmits peace to others through his spiritual power and such a thing is possible to be done by a person who does not depend upon the materialistic world for peace. The spiritual saints are revered equivalent to God, the embodiment of eternal peace.

When the society becomes rich with such spiritual saints, it becomes a powerhouse of light that removes the mental darkness from the common people.

SSBSSF, being a dedicated organization to extend services for transforming people to become spiritual saints in this world through Shivality training looks forward to serving all those interested in such a noble change in their lives.

Let the society gear up and help the persons who would like to undergo Shivality training and transform themselves into spiritual saints.