How everyone can lead a stress free life in this world?

Life is becoming increasingly stressful to everyone in this world irrespective of whether they belong to the affluent class, skilled or the unskilled labour force. The primary cause of mental stress in human beings is due to taking up overloaded commitments. When people are required to work beyond their capacities invariably undergo stress straining the body, brain and mind. The unskilled workers, knowing their limitations try to avoid taking up stressful works. However, they too undergo mental stress because of their inability to fulfill the family needs. It is very difficult to overcome the stress unless due to increased workload and the only way is to reduce the workload. As people have become greedy with craving for money, position, power, name and fame, they are forced to take up overloaded their work and increase the stress levels in life. To get respite from stress, they seek meditation, yoga and go to psychiatrists.

While meditation gives some relief due to temporarily forgetting the world in trance state, it does not give sustained relief from stress. Likewise, yoga and pranayama practicing enables taking up some additional work load cannot reduce the stress levels in the human beings. People have their own brain capacity to work and when it exceeds, they will have to undergo stress. Similarly, when expectations going beyond their ability will also have to struggle to fulfill the ambitions. It is revealing to note that no other living beings undergo stress due to the limited capacity of their brain compared to that of the human beings.

Divine has bestowed the human beings with highly evolved brain of greater capacity giving an opportunity to think, attain liberation and get back to the Origin, instead of using the same to satisfy desires and accomplish materialistic acquisitions that they cannot carry with them at the end. Liberation is the condition of the human mind that gives the wisdom that everything in the materialistic life is temporary and therefore it is good enough if they can manage life meeting their minimal needs. By gaining this wisdom, people can remain peaceful totally devoid of stress in their entire life time.

Liberation is an un-parallel mental feeling of the highest value in human life. Anyone attaining liberation becomes absolutely stress free in life because of the Divine wisdom about the futility of the worldly bondages, attachments, responsibilities and commitments. This is the condition of Shivam enjoyable by the liberated human beings that makes life harmonious and peaceful not only while being in this materialistic but also in the life after death.

The liberated condition of Shivam for a stress free life can be attained by practicing spirituality under a realized Master guided by Divinity. At Nisargaateetha Chetana (NC), this can be attained through the Silentation system, a novel method of silencing the mind. The Silentation system is called Nisshabdha Sevanam and this method was practiced by the wise men of yore to worship Shivam which is known as 'Antaranga Shivopasana'. People can live stress free due to the stillness of the mind attained and when this condition is sustained eternally leads to experiencing liberation.

May everyone in this world enjoy a stress free life by attaining the condition of Shivam.