Why do we need Shivam?

Most Hindus believe that Shivam is the ultimate power and therefore they pray God Shiva for help. Commonly people want to be cool in life to perform their duties well, fulfill all their responsibilities and live healthy coupled with prosperity. The need for help from Shivam arises particularly when they are required face situations beyond their capabilities and also get rid of fear, anxiety, tension and the like in life.

Shivaguru at SSBSSF expounds that the cause for worries in humans is the mind, neither the people in the world nor the worldly matter including the incidents. Going deeper on the subject, he explains that the human mind carries impressions accumulated from so many births taken thus far that causes tension, anxiety, fear worries etc. He stresses on the need for removal of the negative qualities from the mind to lead a life of exuberance.

Shivam is known to be the destroyer. Shivam can therefore be of great help to the people if they know how to get connected to it. Shivaguru has been able to activate the power of Shivam in him in order to destroy the negative qualities in the human mind. He is training many seekers at SSBSSF in Bangalore to get them connected to Shivam through Shivality training program specially designed for the purpose after extensive research on silencing the mind. The seekers are able to gradually lose their negative qualities by receiving the power of Shivam through the process of transmission from Shivaguru. He takes all the care needed on regular basis for speedy spiritual progression in the path of Shivality. He asserts that Shivam exists within every human being in this world irrespective of the gender, nationality, religion, caste and creed.

Shivaguru invites all those who are interested to bring harmony and peace in their life by eliminating the negative qualities through training in Shivality, the advanced spiritual system. In Shivality training program, the seekers of Shivam are required to practice Antharangashivopasana through Nishabdhasevanam (Silentation). Shivaguru expounds that Shivam can be connected only through silencing the mind. In Shivality training the power of ‘Panchakshri’ chanting is pursued uniquely for improving mental strength, vigor and self-confidence in the seekers apart from destroying the negative qualities in them.