Can Human Beings Keep Away From Struggling in Life

It was Sunday morning Satsangh in Malleswaram on the International Yoga Day, June 22, 2015 at BEST conference hall with over 300 NC abhyasis waiting for the arrival of SatSri Balan, NC spiritual Master. Right on the dot, at 8 am, NC Master initiated the 20 minute Silentation sitting that maintained pin-drop silence all through the session. Addressing the gathering, he reiterated the exact meaning of the Sanskrit term ‘Yoga’ as the act of unification of the ‘Mind and Spirit’ and also clarified that ‘Asanas’ are merely the preliminary steps to maintain body fitness; a prelude to practicing yoga. He then moved on to answering the most sought after question ‘How humans can keep away from the bane of struggling in life?’

Here is the essence of what he exuberantly expounded.

To begin with, we have to realize that the mentality of struggling is valid only to human beings and no other living beings struggle in this world. In addition, it is important to know that Nature provides all essentials to every living being to sustain life without asking for it. For instance, look at the life cycle of a seed. It grows naturally into a tree, survives for a while and withers away in time. It doesn’t struggle for survival in life and so do all other living beings except human beings. When that is the case, there is absolutely no need for human beings to struggle. Yet we find humans struggle!

The primary cause for human struggle is because of their non-aligning character with Nature. Instead of utilizing what is available in Nature without causing any disturbance to it, human beings fight to get beyond their needs and in the process they begin to struggle. When wants are more, they struggle more. However, there is no guarantee that their struggle would meet with all their desires. There begins expectations, anxiety, and emotions in human life that is absent in all others. It is evident that all human beings do not struggle to the same extent when faced with similar situations. The extent of struggle a person undergoes depends upon the state of mind the person has attained in terms the purity level. A person can avoid struggling in life by spiritualizing the mind. The inner spiritual energy has the power to cleanse the human mind when yoga happens between the mind and spirit. This is exactly the work of a true spiritual Master. He guides the human beings in the path of the yogic attainment.

People forget their ‘True nature’ and become prey to the comforts offered by the world of materialism. There begins the struggling with desires, expectations, anxiety, success, failures, fear and the like. This condition can only be changed by cleansing the mind from time to time on a regular basis just as we cleanse the body. Help of a true spiritual Master can keep you away from struggling in life.

It is essential to do our duty in all sincerity without struggling. The returns may not always be commensurate with our efforts it is not in our control. For instance, a lion does not worry when it fails to catch its prey! It does not struggle but waits with patience until nature provides for. We have to keep the mind pure all the time like a child. The spiritual energy within keeps us away from the path of struggle in life.

We must know that Nature does not have a mind and hence it has no intentions to disturb anything in the manifestation. It just follows the laws of dynamic energy balancing. It is only the human beings who act with motives and intentions. When human beings recognize that they are part of the nature, align with it, become positive and minimize their needs for survival, there will be no struggle for them in this world.

The path of Positive Spirituality, gifted to humanity by SatSri Balan Master, is available to everyone to embrace and lead a struggle free life.