Preciousness of the Human Mind

Every living being has its own mind including plants, trees, animals and humans. Mind is a non-element in an elemental structure connecting the brain and the body. In a plant, brain is in the root getting signals through the mind.

Mind is very limited in all living beings except human beings. Mind acts as a catalyst in every being and takes care of the body and emotions. As humans are the most evolved species, mind has unique power to go beyond body and emotions. The human mind has the capability to go back to its origin.

Human mind acts as the controller of human life and regulates human perceptions like good or bad. Such perceptions are created based on the parental upbringing, family background, societal culture and environmental conditions all of which are related to the materialistic world.

Human perceptions can be changed to go beyond duality in life such as pleasure and pain, success and failure, loss and gain, good and bad etc. This is the uniqueness of the human mind that can change the life of a person by changing the perceptions.

Spiritual practice is meant to negate the impressions of duality of the world of materialism. When the human mind is cleansed from the materialistic impressions, it attains it's primordial conditions. By this change, humans become spiritually positive and Divine. This change is possible only in a human being because of the uniqueness of the human mind.

Because of the purity attained by spiritual practice, the human mind starts experiencing pure consciousness. The pure state of consciousness draws wisdom and knowledge about both materialistic as well as non-materialistic life. People having the wisdom are called the Gnanis. The society can consult Gnanis to seek their advice for betterment of the living conditions.

Human mind is the cause for everything, both for enjoyment in materialistic life as well as undergoing miseries. Thereby, mind becomes the cause for birth and not the materialistic world itself. Upon understanding the truth, human beings can remain in pleasure and bliss without having to depend on the materialistic world. This can be made possible only through sincere spiritual practice. Mind is the decision maker and the brain and body are its servants. If the mind decides to get pleasure and bliss through spiritual practice, it is definitely possible.

Ultimately, when the human mind becomes divine, it loses the connection with the materialistic world as well as immortality. Every human being should understand the preciousness of the mind and make best use of it to attain the eternal happiness in this world.