Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - II

Nature gave us rich Flora (Natural Plants, Animals- Wild Life) and fountain (springs). Each one mutually inter-related. Thus, “THE NATURE” is for benefits of us human beings for several reasons. To Learn to be Nature conscious and beyond as Our Guides and Preachers.

7. SUN: No- discrimination, treat all and sundry the same and alike, will not differentiate, gives light (knowledge), heat (warmth) to everyone without any prejudice. In the same way, impart knowledge to others. Message here is - Keep no Secrets to yourself. Give exposure to others.

8. MOON: Reminds to use time judiciously and wisely. It maintains one stance that though shadowed by earth, eclipsed now and then .Events in the life in human also passing events cast their own shadows. Like moon one should be calm and steadfast unperturbed at all circumstances.

9. OCEAN/SEA: Not bothered - at whatever time devastating and consuming things happen. Several rivers unite at last carrying all impurities still quality of Sea never changes features. Teaching here is facing untiringly, all that may come in one's life.

10. PYTHON: Known for Contentment with whatever and pleased with whatever it has at that moment? Can remain in one place without searching for food and lives on air for days. Importance to food is secondary, satisfied with what is offered.

11. LONE BANGLE: Too many bangles, if worn by a maiden(female servant), make noise, annoyance to others around. The solution was in removing all bangles but just with single bangle so no giggling, the maiden continued work - prevailed peace. Be alone for meditation to attain spiritual heights for communion with God.

12. HONEYBEES: Take the best in every situation - give the best. Do not accumulate wealth more than needed. The bees will gather honey from places to builds beehives. But someone to grab the deposits resulting in bees' efforts rendered futile. Lesson - Do not collect too much for self as others will seize and enjoy.