Some Lessons Taught by 24 GURUS - I

1. SPIDER: Try again until you succeed. Endeavour and Whole creation is in web design. Moreover, its Intricacy is from nowhere - Whole creation comes from God. The characteristics of the Spider are that it weaves web to catch insects for its own food by being at the centre of the sticky web/net but to be swooped by hungry crow resulting in its own death. Lesson is that one should not be Over-Ambitious.

2. EARTH: Teaches Endurance, Patience, Bountiful and Benevolent. Mother Land Treasures plants, animals, minerals, diamond etc. Trees avoid erosion of Land. Earth offers more benefits to whole humanity. The ill treatment meted out (felling trees, nuisance, digging mining, dumping garbage, polluting, soiling what not) is ever forgiven. So the Mother Earth Preaches and Practices Patience and Generous Endurance and To Be Tolerant.

3. SPACE: Accommodative and open minded. Space/Sky needed not only for upward progress furthering the spiritual path but also for detachment from the earthly possession. You can also relate this to spirit and soul needed for functioning of sound mind and body. However, the soul/spirit a part within bodies never a part of body. The Detachment is the lesson conveyed by the Space.

4. FIRE: Provides awareness knowledge & warmth. Without showing any partiality, so powerful it is, it burns, everything converts into ashes leaving nothing to chance. Think of the present not to bother About Tomorrows' Wants.

5. AIR: (Atmosphere) unaffected be anything good or bad. Always on the move - not bound by any - have no attachment or attitude (though seems attached to the sky/space is ever free - is the Lesson.

6. WATER: Path of least resistance confrontation and overcomes obstacles. Suggests that is always clear, cool and maintains always it own level though people, animals, for their own benefits still offering free and clear water for the benefit of all, pollute it. Similarly, one should be clear and open minded in one's life, at all times.