Essentiality of Relentless Faith in Spiritual Master

Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance and negativity I salute such a Guru

Spirituality is related to the human mind. When the mind is disturbed, spirituality is the only option to over come the disturbances.

Every person has got the spirit within that is dormant and not empowered. The human beings get disturbed because of taking in the worldly happenings and unexpected situations. Spirituality has tremendous power to create Sthanu, a condition of steadfastness in the minds of the people under all situations in life.

In the pursuit of spirituality under a Divine Master, the energy from the Master is received by the disciples that reduces the negativity in them if they are initiated by the Master. The flow of Master's energy will be continuous if the disciples are able to maintain constant remembrance of the Master. The quantum of energy received by the disciple depends upon the extent of faith, respect and love developed towards the Master. When the faith and love are lost, the energy flow from the Master reduces gradually and at some stage the energy flow seizes to take place. In such a situation, the mind of the disciple gets disturbed and the disciple may start disturbing others too.

When we accept a Divine personality as our Master in spirituality, we should develop relentless faith and know that whatever he does is to protect righteousness. Outwardly we may feel sometimes that his approach, behavior and communication may not be up to our liking. But everything done by the spiritual Master is only to protect the righteousness.

Lord Krishna's actions seem to be un-rightful during Kurukshethra war but all his actions were only to suppress the un-rightful actions of others and to protect righteousness. It is very difficult for us to comprehend the actions of the Divine personalities because we see only the actions but not the motive behind it. If any disciple begins to suspect his rightful Master, it is the prelude to leaving the Master.

All of us come to the Master to reduce our negativity. Our negativity is reduced because of the purity (Divine Energy) of the Master. In case of any negative feelings disturb the disciples, it is better to get clarifications and clean up the mind than developing prejudice towards a rightful person. If the prejudice is allowed to increase further because of the negativity, it may develop other negative qualities too. Suspicions, per se, are always dangerous and difficult to eliminate. Thereby it breaks the relationships even between two close friends, husband and wife, boss and subordinate etc.

When we want to create harmony in this world, we must destroy the negativity. All problems of today are because of the negativity in the human mind. Negativity develops negative qualities in humans such as prejudice, sadism, jealousy, vengeance etc and it further develops fear, worries, anxiety and greed.

Once we succeeded in receiving maximum energy from a Divine personality because love, faith and respect towards him undisturbed by the comments of others, we can reduce our negativity and lead harmonious and joyful life.

Our Indian culture and philosophy teaches us that Guru is more than anyone in this world because Guru is the person who shows the God within.

There may be natural tests for the disciples to know the faith in Guru. During that time the disciples must be vigilant and should try to be with the Master/Guru and should not become hostile.

Let us pray God that under any circumstance we do not leave the Master. If we leave the Master, we are the losers and not the Master.