Essentiality of Living Master

A true spiritual Master, the one connected to ‘Sat’, is uncommon to be found in the society and only a lucky few get the opportunity of meeting such a person in life. Owing to lack awareness it is quite possible that we fail to recognize and accept the Master when we come across such people of rarity as they are intrinsically simple and unassuming. Let us look at the way we live in this world. We have no time to do anything other than chasing to fulfill our ambitions for a better tomorrow with wealth, position and power until the last breath. This madness invariably leaves us in the pool of failures, disappointments, pessimism and misery. In addition to this exploitation of humans is taking place in the society widening the gap between the poor and the rich. In essence, we are having to live in constant danger of all sorts including warfare and terrorism.

Only true living Masters can chronicle awareness of the real nature of the ‘Inner Spiritual Self’ in human beings and lead them in the path of peace and fulfilment. They can provide clarity and show the distinction that exists among the body, mind and spirit in living beings as well as the unlimited potential of the humans in the manifestation. While anybody can acquire spiritual knowledge by reading books and attending discourses on the subject, treading the path of spirituality would still be unclear to the people. Getting connected to the inner spirit present in each one us needs intense training, guidance, counselling and hand-holding that can be done only by a living Master endowed with extraordinary capabilities like providing spiritual Initiation, Satnaam, and Translitting.

Initation, is an art of sowing the seed of spirituality in the seekers. It establishes inseparable bond of love between the Master and the seeker that lasts forever. Initiation is the unwritten expression of commitment of the living Master to assist the seeker in different stages of the spiritual journey. In the event of the departure of the living Master from the physical world, guidance from the spiritual world will be available until merging of the spirit of the seeker with the Origin takes place. There is parallel to initiation in the world of materialism. It is done only when the seeker becomes fully knowledgeable about the fundamentals of spirituality and is ready to tread the path.

Satnaam is a Divine implement given by the living Master to the seeker. This is done when to the seeker attains a certain level of mental purity in the path of spirituality. Satnaam is a word or a phrase that is to be repeated at the time of beginning Silentation. This helps channeling the mental energy of the seeker from the flow of thoughts towards attaining the state of inner silence. Repetition of Satnaam automatically stops when the seeker steps the realm of inner silence. The environmental noise will have no consequence over the inner state of the mind and during Silentation.

Translitting is the unique feature in Positive Spirituality at NC by the living Master. This takes place in all Prime Satsangs held by the NC Master. During Silentation sessions with the Master, the Divine energy transmitted from the Master cleanses the mind of the seeker in its silent state.

In the path of Positive Spirituality at NC, guidance of the living Master is available to the seekers through spiritual classes, and specialized training programs. The programs are tailored to suit the people from different walks of life like, teachers, professionals, politicians, house wives, retired personnel and students. Everyone is treated equal in this path without gender bias as well as Nationality.